My Reproductive Portal

Our patient portal, My Reproductive Portal, provides patients with access to certain medical records and treatment information.

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Enhanced Email Security

Ensuring the security, privacy, and protection of patients' healthcare data is critical for all healthcare institutions. To further enhance our network security, RMA of New York has changed the way that we send you protected communications. You will still be able to access treatment details (such as lab results, medication instructions, storage info, etc.) through the My Reproductive Portal platform. Also, you can continue to reach out to your care team through email, however you will now see their responses as encrypted messages (now labeled as “Microsoft” instead of “Barracuda”). The encrypted email will state “[user name]@ has sent you a protected message.”

Thank you for your help in making this change. Please reach out to your care team if you have any questions. For any technical issues, please email

My Reproductive Portal Features:

New Patient Paperwork and Transition of Care Paperwork:
Complete your new patient paperwork, practice consents, and health history survey prior to your initial appointment.

Patient Dashboard:
Review important cycle data, including: cycle type, stimulation type, cycle status, financial clearance, outstanding checklist items, cycle consents, and medication & procedure instructions for your current cycle.

My Medical Info:
View clinical records, including: bloodwork results, genetic reports, ultrasound images, semen analysis reports, progress notes, and storage inventory.

Access videos and information sheets about medication preparation, referral lists, FAQs, handbook materials, and more.

(Coming Soon!) Pre-Procedure Paperwork:
Complete your operating room intake paperwork prior to your procedure.

For any technical questions or to request access to the patient portal, please contact My Reproductive Portal Support: Please include your full name, date of birth, and physician so that we may pull up your chart.

Click here to access My Reproductive Portal today!