Fertility Check-Up: Preparing Today for a Successful Tomorrow
August 7, 2024, 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
RMA of New York 635 Madison Avenue 10th Floor
Join RMA of New York and Conceive for our first live event in our newly renovated East Side office!
To best prepare you for your fertility journey, Dr. Eric Flisser, reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist, will discuss what to expect during a fertilty check-up and how IVF can be a valuable treatment option for individuals and couples hoping to start their family. Lauren Berson, Founder and CEO of Conceive, will present the top questions Conceive receives from members regarding IVF, how to prepare for this process, and what members can expect from Conceive's services. A Q&A will follow where attendees can have their questions answered by members of the clinical team.
Complimentary food and beverages will be provided.