Get to Know Dr. Setton of RMA of New York - Brooklyn!

Born and raised in Brooklyn and excited to bridge access to care in his home borough, Dr. Robert Setton became part of the RMA of New York - Brooklyn team at the start of the year, after SGFNY joined forces with RMANY. An accomplished researcher, Dr. Setton has contributed to more than 20 presentations across the globe on topics including frozen embryo transfer (FET) and donor egg transfer. He has also served as a peer-reviewer for several medical journals including the American Journal for Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG). Additionally, he has published research with great expertise on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, and in vitro fertilization.
A genuine family man, Dr. Setton decided to pivot his focus from cardiology to reproductive endocrinology the moment he heard his son’s heartbeat for the first time. Get to know Dr. Setton's story more below!
How did you become interested in medicine?
I loved science as a kid. I also grew up in a religious/spiritual home. I discovered that the more I learned about the intricacies of the human body, the more I felt inspired and personally fulfilled. Being in the medical field allows gives me an opportunity to be in awe every single day.
What inspired you to become an REI and study reproductive endocrinology?
I was planning to go into cardiology. While I was in medical school, my wife and I tried to start building our family. We found out that while she was only 26, she had diminished ovarian reserve. We went through many attempts at IVF but kept on failing – poor response, no eggs at retrieval, no fertilization, no embryo development. On our sixth IVF cycle, we made it to embryo transfer. When I saw the heartbeat for my oldest son, I was so overwhelmed with joy that I knew that I had to make it my mission to bring that moment to others. That was when I decided that I would become an REI.
What topics or areas of interest are you particularly passionate about?
It’s honestly hard to pinpoint one specific area, but if I had to I would say diminished ovarian reserve because that was what inspired me to come into the field. Secondary infertility, third party reproduction, PCOS, unexplained infertility, fertility preservation, and IVF for genetic reasons are areas I am passionate about as well.
How do you enjoy spending your free time?
I spend most of my free time with my children. After all the struggles we went through we ended up with four kids and I spend my free time trying to give them the best childhood possible.
Is there anything else you would like prospective patients to know about you?
I know nobody wants to go the doctor for help building a family and I will do my best to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. I can obviously never promise an outcome, but I CAN promise that I will fight as hard as I can to help you reach your family building goals.