RMA of New York physicians are consistently featured as thought leaders, providing knowledge and expertise, across the world's most renowned medical journals. Our physicians are at the forefront of groundbreaking research in fertility and reproductive medicine with a focused commitment to publishing our work to advance science for the treatment of infertility.
American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
Accuracy and Usability Of The Yo Home Sperm Test
Assessing the Reproductive Potential of late Mature Oocytes in Egg Freezing
Anti-Müllerian Hormone AMH in patients with one Ovary undergoing controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation
Does the Incidence of Embryonic Mosaicism Vary with Genetic Indication for In Vitro Fertilization
English as a Second Language Within Assisted Reproductive Technology ART Treatment
Etiology of Thin Endometrium and Pregnancy Outcomes in Single Euploid Embryo Transfer SEET Cycles
Evaluating the Relationship Between Ejaculatory Abstinence and the Incidence of Embryo Mosaicism
Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Agonist Use and Oocyte Retrieval in Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation
How Donor Oocyte Source Relates to Recipient Outcome
Patient Decision Making When Faced with the Choice of Mosaic Embryo Transfer
Single Euploid Embryo Transfers in Patients Utilizing PGT-M: Is Parity Associated with Outcomes?
The Development of a New Model of HCG Dynamics to Predict Pregnancy Outcome
Understanding Pediatric Fertility Preservation in the United States
Change in Embryo Score Post Cryopreservation and Embryo Transfer Success Rates
Comparison of Pregnancy Outcomes Between Single-Biopsied and Rebiopsied Euploid Embryos
Does Length of Time in Cryostorage Affect the Reproductive Potential of Vitrified Human Oocytes?
Spironolactone Use and Oocyte Maturation in Patients Undergoing Oocyte Cryopreservation
Working With Fatigue: Assessment of Cyromanagement Conditions in IVF Biorepositories
The Nature of Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies in Human Blastocysts
Single Euploid Embryo Transfer Outcomes After Uterine Septum Resection
Racial Disparities in Semen Parameters Among Couples Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization
Patience Is a Virtue: The Clinical Viablity of Embryos Derived From Late Maturing Oocytes
Obstetric Outcomes of Fertility Patients With Pelvic Pain Disorders
Live Birth and Neonatal Outcomes After Covid-19 Vaccination
Factors Associated With Pregnancy Loss After Single Euploid Embryo Transfer
Expansion Grade of Post Thaw Embryos and Implantation Potential
Analyzing Outcomes From Mosaic Embryo Transfers in a Single Academic Practice
The New Normal: Patient Progression to Fertility Treatment in a Covid-19 World
Semen Analysis Parameters Do Not Change During Active Covid Infection in Known Sperm Donors
Prevalence of Specific Chromosome-Level Anomalies in Mosaic and Aneuploid Embryos
Mrna Covid-19 Vaccines Do Not Compromise Implantation of Euploid Embryos
Morphologic Parameters of Euploid Blastocysts That Predict Progression to Clinical Pregnancy
IVF Outcomes in Brca Carriers With and Without Addition of Letrozole To Stimulation
Factors Associated With Low or High Aneuploidy Rates at the Extremes of Age
Elevated Sperm DNA Fragmentation Does Not Result in Increased Pregnancy Loss Rates After Single, Euploid Frozen Embryo Transfer
Effect of Race on Euploidy Status and Live Birth Rates in Art Treatments
Does the Duration of Cryostorage of Vitrified-Warmed Oocytes Impact IVF and Perinatal Outcomes?
Does the Duration of Cryostorage of Vitrified-Warmed Oocytes Impact IVF and Perinatal Outcomes?
Do Early Hcg Dynamics After Embryo Transfer Differ Based on Day of Embryo Biopsy?
Cleavage Stage Morphology Is Not Associated With the Implantation Potential of Screened Blastocysts
Transcriptomic Evidence of Sexual Dimorphism in Early Human Blastocysts
SEPT12 Expression in Human Trophectoderm Cells: Insight Into Embryonic Arrest
Pregnancy Loss Rates by Developmental Stage After Single Euploid Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer
Pregnancy Loss Rates by Developmental Stage After Single Euploid Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer
Predictors and Clinical Significance of Retained Single Euploid Embryos
Perinatal Outcomes in Reciprocal vs. Anonymous Donor Oocyte IVF Cycles
Perinatal Outcome From the Transfer of Frozen, Euploid, Blastocysts Biopsied on Day 7
IVF Treatment Pre- and Post- the ASRM Covid-19 Pause
Does Shipping Impact Cryo-Survival or Usable Embryo Rates Derived From Vitrified Donor Oocytes?
Clinical Factors Associated With Monozygotic Twinning After Single Frozen Embryo Transfer
A Longitudinal Assessment of Ovarian Reserve After Myomectomy
Enhancing Reproductive Opportunities: The Biologic Potential of Vitrified In-Vitro Matured Oocytes
Proportion of Patients Detected With Subclinical Hypothyroidism Is Independent of Time of Blood Draw
*Paternal Contribution to Early Embryonic Development in Severe Male Factor Patients
Single-Cell Mitochondrial Staining of Human Blastocysts
Increased body mass index is not correlated with seminal oxidative stress: a prospective analysis
Slow growing embryos biopsied on day 7: what are realistic expectations?
SMN1 heterozygosity is associated with decreased aneuploidy rates
Are patients assigned a new patient concierge more likely to proceed with treatment?
Evaluating ivf and perinatal outcomes following repeat trophectoderm biopsy
Gaucher’s disease carriers demonstrate improved art outcome
Understanding the scope and significance of mosaicism in human preimplantation embryos
Evaluating the relationship between low body mass index and ivf outcomes
The directed sperm donor: an srei study of physician attitudes and practice pattern variations
Optimizing embryo development and incubator utilization in a precision ivf laboratory setting
Physician knowledge, attitudes, and practice regarding expanded carrier screening
Eleven year longitudinal study of u.s. sperm donors demonstrates declining sperm count and motility
Racial variation in semen quality from nearly 2,000 u.s. sperm donors
The prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in a low-risk gamete donor population
Positive classic galactosemia carrier status does not impact ovarian reserve
Single-cell mitochondrial staining and ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequencing of human blastocysts
Age Remains The Main Predictor Of Achieving A Euploid Embryo From An IVF Cycle
Aneuploidy Rates Are Unaffected By Choice Of Trigger Medication In Human IVF-ET Cycles
Choice Of Trigger Medication Does Not Affect Oocyte Maturity At Retrieval
Clinical Factors Associated With Poor Embryo Development And Cycle Cancellation In IVF/PGT Cycles
Does The Interval Of Time Between Hysteroscopy And Embryo Transfer Affect Clinical Outcome?
Endometrial Preparation For FET: Does The Duration Of Estradiol Supplementation Matter?
Frozen Transfer Is Superior To Fresh Transfer Of Screened, Euploid Embryos
How Does Morphologic Assessment Correlate With Implantation Of Euploid Embryos?
In An Era Of Euploid Single Embryo Transfers: Does Oocyte Age Matter?
Is A Post-Surge Drop In Estradiol Significant In Freeze-All Cycles?
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence For More Data-Driven Patient Counseling After Failed IVF Cycles
Ovum Donation In An Era Of Preimplantation Genetic Testing: How Should We Counsel Patients?
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, IVF And PGT: How Does Exposure Affect Outcome?
The Association Between Aneuploidy And The Rate Of Blastocyst Development Is Age Dependent
The Mechanics Of Aneuploidy: Chromosome Structure And Patient Age
A Cost Effectiveness Analysis of SET with PGS in Two Successive Cycles vs a DET With PGS in One
Aneuploidy Rates Are Not Increased in Patients With Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Clinical Utility of Virtual Progeny Analytics in Assessing Reproductive Disease Risk
Does Fresh Embryo Transfer Accentuate the Perinatal Risks of Dichorionic Twin Gestations
Does Severe Teratozoospermia Correlate to Embryonic Aneuploidy Rates
Extending Ovarian Stimulation in Patients Who are Slow to Respond_Does Persistence Pay Off
Fertility Outcomes in Women With Hypopituitarism Who Undergo ART Treatment
How Can We Make a Good Experience Even Better Ways to Enhance the Fertility Journey
Is The Incidence of Retained Embryos Similar in Fresh Versus Frozen ETs
Ovarian Reserve and Embryonic Aneuploidy Rates in BRCA 1 and 2 carriers
Perinatal outcomes in live births from fresh versus frozen single embryo transfers
Sexual Dimorphism and Implantation Potential Is There a Difference
The Degree to Which PGS Increases IVF Efficiency is Correlated With Increased Maternal Age
Vitrification and Thawing of Preimplantation Embryos Does Not Affect Perinatal Outcome
Assessing Trends in Embryo Gender After Pgs_are There Male or Female Progeny-dominant Couples
Optimal Treament Strategy for the Patient With Dor_estrogen Priming Protocol Vs Microflare
Does Complete Hatching at the Time of Thaw Negatively Affect Pregnancy Rates
Optimizing Gonadotropin Stimulation to Maximize the Likelihood of Obtaining Euploid Embryos
Can Personality Traits Predict the Liklihood of a Donor Sucessfully Completing a Donation Cycle
Do Elevated TSH Levels Predict Early Pregnancy Loss in Art Patients
Using New Technology to Ask an Old Question Does the Uterus Age
The Prevalence of Abnormal Mammograms in Ovum Recipients Does Not Correlate With Recipient Age
Male Partner Age Is Not Associated With Increased Rate of Embryonic Aneuploidy
Euploid Single Embryo Transfer With Comprehensive Chromosome Screening – Fresh Vs Frozen Outcomes
Inconclusive Results From Trophectoderm Biopsy Do Not Predict Definitive Results Following Re-biopsy
Study Determining If Serum Levels Of Amh Can Be Associated With The Percentage Of Embryos Deemed Aneuploid Using Ccs Of Trophectoderm Cells During PGS
Seckhon L. Letrozole As An Adjunct In Gnrh Antagonist Cycles Improves Ivf Outcome In Poor Responders
Multiple Pregnancy Rates Are Lower When Utilizing Letrozole
Serum Amh Levels Do Not Predict Embryo Ploidy
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG)
Pacific Coast Reproduction Society (PCRS)
Ovarian reserve is not compromised in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Management of fluid accumulation within the endometrial cavity during a frozen embryo transfer cycle
The predictive value of hyperprolactinemia in detecting prolactin-secreting tumors
Molecular evidence demonstrates that anti-mullerian hormone predicts quantity not quality of oocytes
Is paternal age associated with embryo aneuploidy
Inter-program variation in donor oocyte aneuploidy rate
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
More Published Works
Grunfeld L, Luna M, Mukherjee TM, Sandler B, Nagashima Y, Copperman, A.
Redefining In Vitro Fertilization Success: Should Triplets Be Considered Failures?
Copperman AB, DeCherney A.
Turn, Turn, Turn- advancements in reproductive technologies
Luna M, Duke M, Copperman AB, Grunfeld L, Sandler B, Barritt J.
Blastocyst embryo transfer is associated with a sex-ratio imbalance in favor of male offspring
Flisser E, Scott R, Copperman AB
Patient friendly IVF – how should it be defined?
Luna M, Grunfeld L, Mukherjee T, Sandler B, Copperman B.
Copperman AB, Wells V, Luna M, Kalir T, Sandler B, Mukherjee T.
Presence of hydrosalpinx correlated to endometrial responses In Vivo
Yeshua A, Lee JA, Witkin G, Copperman AB
Female Couples Undergoing IVF with Partner Eggs (Co-IVF): Pathways to Parenthood
Knopman J, Copperman A.
Value of 3D Ultrasound in the Management of Suspected Asherman’s Syndrome
Melman A, Bar-Chama N, McCullough A, Davies K, Christ G.
Melman A, Bar-Chama N, McCullough A, Davies K, Christ G.
Schiff J, Bar-Chama N, Cesaretti J, Stock R.
Alasio T, Borin J, Taylor K, Bar-Chama N, Unger P.
Intratesticular mucinous cystadenoma: immunohistochemical comparison with ovarian and colonic tissue
Barritt J, Luna M, Duke M, Grunfeld L, Mukherjee T, Sandler B, Copperman AB.
Extend Fertility.
New studies highlight need for more education on women’s’ fertility
Kliman H, Honig S, Walls D, Luna M, McSweet J, Copperman AB.
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